For developers

Prototype fast.

Ship faster.

Layouts transforms your ideas into production-ready code in minutes.

Start building today

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Streamlined process

From concept to production in 3 steps

Prototype your ideas, collaborate effortlessly, and deploy production-ready code. Layouts simplifies your entire development journey.

Intuitive code that feels like HTML+Tailwind

/div w-full items-center p-12 flex flex-col bg-[#F4F3F1]

/button %ghost py-1.5 px-3 h-min hover:bg-white text-[#5B5E66] delay-0 gap-2 items-center

/icon message-square-plus

/text Feedback text-sm font-normal

/popover %bottom rounded-lg p-2 h-fit flex flex-col gap-2 w-fit @align="end" /textarea placeholder:text-gray-400 ring-white focus-visible:ring-gray-200 text-[13px] text-[#1E1F22] shadow-inner

/textarea placeholder:text-gray-400 ring-white focus-visible:ring-gray-200 text-[13px] text-[#1E1F22] shadow-inner

@placeHolder="Ideas to improve Layouts..."

/hstack w-full flex flex-row justify-between gap-7 items-start

/hstack gap-0 items-baseline

Preview in real-time on any device

Export well-engineered frontend code

Supercharge your workflow

Build, Interate, Deploy

Rapid prototyping meets seamless production integration. Create interfaces at the speed of thought, sync with NextJS, and ship with confidence.

Rapid prototyping

Lightning-fast creation

Transform ideas into functional prototypes at unprecedented speed.

  • Real-time preview of your build

  • Pre-built components for fast iteration

  • Instant code generation

  • Prompt-to-TailwindCSS

Seamless framework compatability

Integrate with NextJS effortlessly

Your designs aren't just pretty mockups. They're production-ready NextJS components, ready to plug into your existing workflow.

  • Auto-sync with your local NextJS project

  • or copy/paste into your existing codebase

  • Maintained component structure

  • Optimized for performance

Streamline your UI Development

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Read the docs

Private beta - The fastest way to build Tailwind + shadcn/ui pages | Product Hunt

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