For designers

Design functional prototypes,

not just mockups

Layouts empowers you to bring your designs to life. Code your visions without complex programming knowledge.



Notifications Dialog



Easily grab components and add @props

Style with TailwindCSS

Simple code and accessible component structure

See your design come to life in real-time

Empowering Designers

Design that does more

Create functional prototypes that speak directly to developers and stakeholders. Experience the power of designs that do more than just look good—they work.

Intuitive code that feels like HTML+Tailwind

/div w-full items-center p-12 flex flex-col bg-[#F4F3F1]

/button %ghost py-1.5 px-3 h-min hover:bg-white text-[#5B5E66] delay-0 gap-2 items-center

/icon message-square-plus

/text Feedback text-sm font-normal

/popover %bottom rounded-lg p-2 h-fit flex flex-col gap-2 w-fit @align="end" /textarea placeholder:text-gray-400 ring-white focus-visible:ring-gray-200 text-[13px] text-[#1E1F22] shadow-inner

/textarea placeholder:text-gray-400 ring-white focus-visible:ring-gray-200 text-[13px] text-[#1E1F22] shadow-inner

@placeHolder="Ideas to improve Layouts..."

/hstack w-full flex flex-row justify-between gap-7 items-start

/hstack gap-0 items-baseline

Preview in real-time on any device

Export well-engineered frontend code

From mockup to market

Create prototypes that don't need rebuilding

Seamless design to dev

Eliminate the gap between design and development.

Evolve ideas in real-time

Iterate on functional UIs
not static mockups.

Cross-platform efficiency

Code once, launch across multiple platforms.

Design to market fast

Reduce time from concept
to live product.

Common frustrations

Say bye to frontend headaches simplifies UI development without boxing you in.

  • Intuitive Layouts syntax for creating functional prototypes

  • Pre-built components for fast iteration

  • Check responsiveness across any device

  • Collaborate with developers on shippable prototypes




Start building prototypes you can ship today

Private beta - The fastest way to build Tailwind + shadcn/ui pages | Product Hunt

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